Handle With Care - Quests - Classic World of Warcraft Database
Handle With Care


Bring the Carefully-packed Crate to Erelas Ambersky in Rut'theran Village.
A Carefully-packed Crate
Provided Item:
A Carefully-packed Crate


<name>, I can see you yearn to be dedicated to my worthwhile cause. Yes, of course, you can do something for me!

Take this crate of eggs to Erelas Ambersky. He is a druid that cares for these eggs, helping them to hatch and then training the young hippogryphs. You will find him in Teldrassil, in a small village to the south called Rut'theran.


Also, you get: 50


Another shipment from Curgle, I assume?


Thank you for your help, <name>. The hippogryph population simply wouldn't flourish if it weren't for us. Ah, but I am sure you understand all too well, having traveled to Feralas yourself, and seen the devastation of the Gordunni there.

Well, as you can see, I am hard at work here, so you'd best be on your way.

Thanks again, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 300 experience (18 at max. level)

Additional Information