A Plague Upon Thee - Quests - Classic World of Warcraft Database
A Plague Upon Thee


3.A Plague Upon Thee
Release the Plagueland Termites in the Northridge Lumber Mill, then return with the Barrel of Plagueland Termites to Nathaniel Dumah at Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands.
Barrel of Plagueland Termites
Provided Item:
Barrel of Plagueland Termites


You look around the lumber mill for something suitable to open the barrel with. You find a crowbar that looks like it will do the trick.

You set your feet and pray that you'll be able to get out of the mill before the termites get to you.


Also, you get: 85


Have you done it, <name>? Have you released the termites? The Light help us if the Scarlet Crusade were able to hold onto both the mill and Hearthglen. They should have neither. They're just capitalizing on the victims of the last war and should be put down like rabid animals!


Haha! Thank you, <name>! You've done it! My father's spirit can now rest and I can live in peace.

Thank you again. If there is anything I can do for you, please, just ask.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 565 experience (33 90 at max. level)

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